Locata Brand Refresh and Website

For the past two decades, our team at Good Impressions has had the pleasure of working with Locata Housing Services, the leading provider of social housing and homelessness software in the UK. As their long-standing supplier, we have been involved in various projects and campaigns to help promote their brand and products. However, with the ever-changing landscape of technology and design, it was time for a refresh. 

One of the main requirements for the brand refresh was to create a design that reflected the modular nature of their software offering. Locata Housing Services provides a range of software solutions that can be used as standalone products or combined to create a full-service solution. Therefore, it was important for the brand to convey flexibility and versatility, while still maintaining a professional and trustworthy image.

To achieve this, we focused on creating a clean and modern design that incorporated a modular layout. This allowed for easy navigation and highlighted the different software solutions offered. We also incorporated a new palette of secondary colours that are eye-catching and add a dynamic and energetic touch.

In addition to the brand refresh, we were also tasked with designing and building a new website. The website needed to showcase why they are the UK’s leading supplier of social housing and homelessness software, their product range, and their market share. We worked closely with the team at Locata to understand their goals and target audience, and then created a website that not only looked visually appealing but also effectively conveyed their key messages.

The website features a user-friendly interface, with clear navigation and concise content that highlights the benefits of Locata’s software solutions. We also incorporated testimonials from satisfied clients to demonstrate the success of their products. The corporate logo was also updated to be used only in black or white, further emphasising the sleek and modern look of the brand.

Overall, the brand refresh and website design for Locata Housing Services was a successful collaboration between us and their team. The new brand and website effectively convey the company’s professionalism, reliability, and market-leading status. We are proud to have been a part of this project and look forward to continuing our partnership with Locata in the future. 


Locata Housing Services




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